Thursday 19 July 2012

How To Boost Your Alexa Ranking

Boost Your Alexa Ranking

I bet, everyone out there would love to increase traffic and page hits to their webpages. This post will cover everything about Alexa; how to boost your Alexa ranking, the pros and cons. 

Alexa Ranking and perhaps sometimes Google Page Rank are the two things given high importance by the webmasters. Even advertisers/sponsors would want to know your blog's or website's Alexa Ranking before they would further decide to advertise on your blog and/or website. 

What is Alexa Rank and How is it measured? is a "web information company". The blogs and websites are ranked after estimating the targeted traffic to each blog or website. Alexa Ranking is updated daily - the lesser the numbers the better your web page. Alexa itself states that, the Alexa Traffic Rank is calculated after analyzing the aggregated data sent from the Alexa Toolbar users running over a period of 3 months. 

Alexa measures the traffic to your blog in one of the unfairest ways around. How? They only record those page views and hits to your blog that passes through their system. To get straight to the point, that means your visitors must have Alexa Toolbar installed on their browsers to count. 

Here are few tips to your Boost Alexa Ranking:

1- First and foremost, install the Alexa Toolbar: This will not only help the Alexa Ranking of the blogs you visit but would also help with your own blog's ranking whenever you view your page. Convince your family, friends, employees and everyone else to install the Alexa Toolbar on their browsers, this will help improve your blog's ranking whenever they visit your blog.Download Alexa Toolbar Now.

2- Post Frequently: Post at least 5 to 7 times a week. This will be a little exhausting in the first few weeks but you will eventually develop a habit of writing every night. I know you have a life behind the screen, your family, friends, parties and vacations. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to post for days. You can always spare an hour or two to post something interesting. Once you start doing this, you will see the results and love it.

3- Unique Content: Copied content will of course drive away the traffic from your blog and/or website. Writing quality and unique content is for sure the best thing you can do. Use your creativity in making the post as interesting to the readers that they continue to come back to read more new stuff on your blog. Be creative, write creative. This always works. 

4- Alexa Widget: As I already have mentioned, Alexa counts only those hits which passes through their system. Get that Alexa Widget and put it in on your blog.

5- Share your posts on Social Networking Sites: Always share your posts on Social Networking Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Digg and others. These sites not only brings massive traffic to your website but also help with your Alexa Ranking.

6- Encourage your visitors to write a review about your blog on

7- Guest posting/commenting: Leave a backlink to your blog whenever you comment on a blog. Backlinks are crucial as you might have as well noticed that Alexa also calculates the number of backlinks you have. Again, only a "ROUGH" estimation of your backlinks.

There are still many other ways to help boost your Alexa Traffic Rank - but these are basic ones and comes first. I managed to increase my Alexa Rank from 10,000,000 to 468,000 in just 15 days after working day and night. I did blog for 2 months that way by Alexa rank got stuck for sometime - but now as you can see the difference as I started updating my blog regularly. 

To speak the truth, Alexa Ranking and Google Page Rank are just rubbish and has nothing do to with your website and/or blog. When I say, they are not worth working on is because Alexa Ranking will go down only IF the people who has Alexa Toolbar installed while surfing your blog. Therefore, Alexa's only targeted counts are those hits/visits who had the Alexa toolbar installed while viewing your page - the hits of the people surfing your blog without having the Alexa Toolbar are ignored by Alexa. Alexa ranking and Page Rank of a blog is just a "ROUGH" estimation of traffic and backlinks to your website/blog and will never provide the exact information on traffic and/or backlinks to your blog. 



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